Lies, Damn lies and reseach

Blog Relations a UK-based “content consultancy” run by two business journalists Matthew Lynn and Hugh Fraser, have published the results of an informal survey they undertook on Blogging and PR with sixty respondents. You can read the full report there, it’s a small sample (ten respondents) though one finding that caught my eye was that 14% believe blogs don’t pose a threat.

Meanwhile Jessica Morris at Boston University is currently undertaking her thesis project on PR and Blogging. She’s looking for online participants to her study. If you have a few minutes why not help out by taking the study here.

Finally in the online research area, Roger Signer is conducting an online poll on weblogs as a marketing tool, you can participate here.

I recommend you take a couple of minutes to participate. These studies can add to our understanding of how these new tools will impact the profession.